
Being Ignored

I have often been ignored, either unintentionally or on purpose. Sometimes I don't mind, other times I'll grumble to someone unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end of my complaint. I could go through the many times I have been ignored or asked to not do something to appease others, but the list is far too long and you would probably ignore half the content. So instead I will criticise Google.

Me and Google go way back. I've had a Gmail account for a while, I often use their office suite (Docs, Sheets, Drive), I even have a blog with Blogger. So why, after all these signs of affection and buying into their ecosystem, do they still ignore my blog? Why has it still not been indexed? The content is rich, the writing is original and often sourced, I even have a mobile-friendly interface. Yet the attempts to get noticed continue to fail.

What could I ever do to win over Google? I've tried many things - sitemaps, editing text, the like - but still, I've never been recognised. Sometimes you just can't win.

he says as no one reads