
Blog niche

I write about various things on my main blog, All Over 2a, and the same applies to this blog too. Therefore I doubt I'll ever write in a specific niche - why would I? Arguably I do write in specific categories, but at least there are many of them - I'm not just forcing myself to write about motorcycle parts, for example. That to me sounds bleak, and not because of the subject. Rather, having an audience expect you to write solely about motorcycle parts and perhaps getting backlash if people don't get their motorcycle parts fix is something I don't want. I also don't want to write about solely one thing. The world is so large and limiting myself to one idea, merely from different angles, would be terrible. The worst thing is that websites tell you to do this! Blogging should never be the means to becoming famous, rather it should be the means to enjoying the process of writing and interacting with people. Who cares about SEO rankings if you can have fun instead?

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