

I don't get the point of detentions. I get that they're supposed to be a deterrent, and that they're supposed to punish you if you do something wrong, but they're a weird punishment nonetheless.

I've only had two true detentions, both in Year 7. The first was because I was an idiot and asked my PE teacher whether my boots were good enough for football. They weren't because they didn't have the sufficient studs or something, so I lost my break, spending it by staring into the abyss of the sports hall.

This detention was pointless for three reasons:

The second true detention was also in Year 7, and was because I didn't do my homework. What should have been an hour was actually just 30 minutes, luckily for my 11 year old self who panicked if the bus didn't turn up in five minutes (this being London and me being pointlessly stressed constantly). The homework? Type out what these computer components did and learn them for a test. I happened to be on holiday so couldn't do this, so instead learned them off by heart for the test.

This detention was pointless because:

The other detentions are lunch detentions, which are the most stupid thing to ever exist:

I find them so pointless, and it's even more frustrating as I live far away and the school knows this, but every time I'm late it's the same story. I know that lateness can lead to worse results down the line, but I'd argue that's a case of correlation ≠ causation, as if you're often late it could be because you care less about school, not because a minute lost is a mark lost.

Detentions should ultimately be educational, but what I also find is that detentions are often full of the same people every time - so clearly they're not as educational as they may seem. They're also highly dependent on the teacher - one may punish you more harshly to set an example but ignore the other person as they wish, and it's arguably this which I find most frustrating about the process.

I know detentions aren't that big of a deal, but I still find them extremely bizarre and confusing, and maybe that was their intent.