
Fifteen blogpost prompts from a webpage

The Fifty-in-50 challenge which Forking Mad and Alexandra's Notebook is fantastic, and I wanted to do something similar. So I found one of the first results on Google, and after briefly looking at it, I don't particularly like them - so I'm going to answer every other question in one post, very briefly. Here are the prompts

  1. Things I just can't handle; just read all of my posts to be honest
  2. Why I started blogging; Diamond Geezer's blog is great and inspired me to do the same
  3. When I felt most beautiful; looking at lovely scenery
  4. Quotes that changed my life; none of them, they never truly work for me
  5. Things people would be most surprised to learn about me; I'm not the most bookish person out there
  6. Three adventures I want to experience; I'll think about that
  7. My favourite blog posts as of yet; on -b, I don't want your money, Being defined by..., and Ten Minutes
  8. Have I experienced deja vu; yes
  9. Do I believe in ghosts; no
  10. First thing I'd do upon winning the lottery; check my numbers again
  11. Share childhood memories; in the future, not in the sentence I've given myself
  12. What's relaxation for me; doing nothing and enjoying it
  13. What healthy means to me; being content with yourself and also physically well
  14. Best relationship advice given; not sure
  15. Surefire way to piss me off; there are many ways.

These prompts could be better, but I think I did a decent job of rattling through them. I guess I don't like them as I'm not a fan of blogposts narrating one concept specific to you - I know blogs are personal, but I don't just want them to be ramblings about my life, I want them to mean something to the audience too; as a result, I wouldn't write about the first thing I'd do upon winning the lottery because I wouldn't have many words in the first place, and it's ultimately not so meaningful to me as well as to you. Maybe I complain a lot.