
My Supermarket Story

I've found supermarkets somewhat interesting, as compared to other shops they often have everything I need and thus are the first resort to a shopping trip. Then again, they also represent overindulgence and why the hell do they stock that many different types of crisps?

I've used Sainsbury's probably the most, since I've lived in the UK my whole life and they're everywhere. Far more than the total number of Tesco shops, in fact. But there's nothing special about it - my first local Sainsbury's has changed a lot, and not for the better. Loyalty card discounts, gates where you have to scan your receipt, all moves which make me suspect they want more money and they believe everyone shoplifts. I can't speak for the other supermarkets because often, when you only have one near you, you use it exclusively.

I've used a nearby Lidl often too, and I prefer that the bakery stuff is less expensive. Other than that, I have no reason to be loyal to them.

I did once jokingly mention to a teacher that I like supermarkets, during an "emotional support" session - the kinds you do when you're not cheery if you failed an exam and that happens often. She thought this was cool, and from then on I doubted her intentions. No one finds supermarkets cool, even those who find them a bit interesting, and I'm only writing this post with my tongue in my cheek.

Other things about supermarkets I have an opinion on: