

I am getting an A Level tomorrow, emphasis on the singular tense. It's in maths, which only makes it worse. I've somehow managed to complete the entire A Level in a year, which means I went from index laws to differential equations in about seven months. I thus really, really, really want to get this A* - if I don't, I'd be disappointed beyond belief.

So what, you might say, I got a C in maths and look at me, I'm doing well for myself. Obviously, I know it wouldn't be the end for me if I got an A or lower, but I keep on having that nagging feeling - the one that tells me I can't do anything that isn't worrying about the exam results. I'm writing this blogpost, so of course I'm not debilitated, but I'd much rather I wasn't thinking about this.

14th post of the month - or is it 16th? I had the rare feat, over on All Over 2a, of publishing two posts in one day - just the third time in my life.