
The Checklist Writer Archive - Dunce's Flask and Mechanics Monthly

I may as well empty the archive completely now.

Dunce's Flask

Once in a while, you'll get frustratingly annoying questions - and for me, that occasion was today in a mock paper. It was about an inverted cone with water leaking from it in a gap. Obviously it was a differentiation question, what with them giving you a rate as well as a nice lovely diagram. And it was even a show that question, one of my favourite types of question.

Unfortunately, I couldn't get my head around it, and ended up losing all the marks. Eleven marks, to be specific. But maybe I shouldn't think I've taken a sip from the dunce's flask just yet. After all, there are still another twenty-one days to go, and I'm getting ever closer to getting that chocolate. Double checking and rapid pace are good and all, but the content is the most important part!

Mechanics Monthly

Tomorrow, I've got another mechanics mock, so that should be exciting. In fact, there is now only a month from now until that exam, and coincidentally, the end of my A Levels this year will end on the same day my GCSEs ended. Who could have seen that coming?

I managed to get a pulley question nice, so that's good. It's obviously much easier when you've drawn all the appropriate arrows in the right places, it just helps you visualise what would otherwise be an assortment of variables in different places. Indeed, it helps make the weird-looking ones with slopes just that bit more straightforward, at least until there are two slopes, and I don't even want to scare myself with that thought.

I'm doing well in projectiles, my latest test score said so. But then again, that is only a small indication in a sea of exam practice that I'm getting somewhere. Remember the mock exam I mentioned right at the start of this blog? Turns out it didn't go well at all, and it was mostly down to a confusing projectiles question. But hey, I've turned it around, all thanks to using different equations.

The less said on moments and kinematics, the better - I just mostly stick to hoping the formula I'm using will work. I suppose my advice is to improve the diagrams they give you in the exam, as well as to make sure your measurements and units are right - you never know, t might me in months, not seconds.

In this case, t=1. How fast this year has gone!

I effectively finished the blog with one final post, Five Hours, which said this:

So this is it, five hours. Time has gone too quickly. I'll tell you how it went later on.

As you may already know from previous posts over on All Over 2a, I'm terrible at sticking to promises. So I'll tell you how it went now - I got 94% on that specific exam, and 88% overall plus an A in maths. Was it worth it? Yes and no - and I'll write up a future post on that, I promise.*