
The Checklist Writer Archive - Glass and Chocolate Motivation


I mentioned how I'm suspecting the worst of my applied maths mock, perhaps unreasonably. Either way, I shouldn't be too displeased with my pure mock - it suggests I'm comfortably on an A. At the same time, I shouldn't let myself get too comfortable with that score, especially as there are now only another thirty days to go.

One model I'd like to approach is that of the glass filled with water. Everyone knows it's half empty or half full - the former is easy to look at when getting a low score, and you think about all the marks you lost, the latter easier when doing well - you mostly ignore where you dropped marks. At least, I do. But obviously all the glass has is water - you can look at it all you want, and unless some of it is drained or added, it will stay the same. That's the approach I'd rather take - instead of dwelling on the score, I will try to alter the water level.

As one might say, it's redirection over dejection. Whatever I get tomorrow will simply be evidence that I have a long way to go in applied maths. Okay, just over six weeks to go. And the same goes for pure maths - there are bound to be marks to be found everywhere.

Chocolate Motivation

My teacher just promised me that if I get a high enough score in my maths exams, I'll get some chocolate. Now I'm certain that A* isn't impossible, even if that comes with more revision. I've been using the Madasmaths practice papers, which are all the more satisfying when you get the questions right because of how fiendishly annoying they are. I'm wanting to spend at least an hour most days doing straight revision, before ramping it up the week before the exam. And that also means I'll be doing pulley questions until I'm sick of them.

All for a measly bar of chocolate. Yes, my priorities are in the right place. Just 27 days to go.

One kind commenter said "You can do this! You're probably the only one who can." - I think I managed.