
Where I was at the end of the school year

Primary school - my memories are hazy, so all I can remember are the empty displays, the meetings with our future teachers, messing around with our friends outside, the like.

Year 6 - I ate some cookies and said goodbye to people I have never seen since (apart from one kid who went to my house a few months later, and the odd sighting on the bus and the street). Surprisingly it wasn't as emotional as I had assumed it would be.

Year 7 - I don't remember much, aside from the bus ride home and the satisfaction that I'd managed to get through what had been a rather lonely and strange year. There was of course the very important assembly which confirmed my house had won the shield, and I was quite ecstatic. I also got back a science test and realised I hadn't failed, which properly cheered me up.

Year 8 - Lockdown meant the school year had been truncated, so I had two official end dates:

Year 9 - It ended with us being dismissed from form classes, though not until our form tutor got us to do one final check as someone's phone went off (or maybe that was for a different break? I can't remember either, which upsets me as I'm hardly that old)

Year 10 - This time, there was a proper assembly in the main hall, and I got a bit too anxious and couldn't force myself to leave immediately. After speaking to some teachers, I left much later than everyone else. So there were no farewells to classmates as I went home - instead, it was a goodbye to the German teacher who was riding home.

Year 11 - I've already blogged about this on All Over 2a. The official end was after our last physics exam - there were shirt signings, and mine was made to look like a dull billboard.

Year 12 - a chemistry lesson, followed by a meeting about Oxbridge. That's tomorrow, at least.

Year 13 - probably an A Level exam on Decision Maths, so one of my last memories in mainstream education will be ordering names in alphabetical order really slowly.